This license clarifies that all content is our property, from now on the AudioViator company. The audio and image contents provided by others are the property of their legitimate owners and with prior authorization have been included in our channels for distribution. All rights not expressed in this license are copyright of AudioViator.
1. You are free to listen to the content of AudioViator
You can listen to the content from this website, app and those means to which we have expressly given free permission, therefore you will not be asked for any previous sign up or previous step.
2. You can access the content for free always
Always AudioViator distribute the audio tours free of charge, no financial compensation will be requested for the access to the content, nor will there be any advertisement with which we will profit.
3. You can not make works derived from the content
The mixing, transformation or creation of a new material from the content available on the web is not allowed.
4. We do not allow commercial use
We do not allow direct or indirect profit with our content.
We do NOT allow the inclusion of our content in any application for mobile devices, smartphones and / or tablets, whether paid or free, with or without advertisements, whether or not it is sold the website, whether or not money has been obtained for the creation of the website, public or private subsidy, or any other monetary or in-kind remuneration.
We DO NOT allow their inclusion in websites, whether or not they have advertisements, whether or not they sell on the website, whether or not money has been obtained for the creation of the website, public or private subsidy, or any other monetary or in-kind remuneration. That includes podcast websites, indexers, etc.
We only allow links to the pages of our website or the inclusion of the microsite that we can provide. We do not allow its inclusion in an application, whether or not it is charged for it, whether or not it has advertisements inside it, whether or not it has the possibility of making purchases in it.
If you want to use our content you can contact us to ask for authorization.